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THRIVE with Tatiana Miller 

Psychologist & Clinical Health Counselor


All the pressure, pretending, and non-stop doing took its toll. I was trapped in chaos! 

At 33, while teaching a yoga class, I suddenly became paralyzed from the waist down. In less than 30 seconds, I had to become an advocate for honoring my needs in the present moment and for accepting circumstances as they come. Four orthopedic surgeons told me I would never walk again, as I had lost all my reflexes on my left side. The mind-body connection I had spent years cultivating kicked in to tell me they were wrong. My story is one of so many that are given a diagnosis or have complicated circumstances. The power to choose your destiny is in your hands, and I am here to be a resource and give you all the tools you need to THRIVE!


Want to Know More?

Expert Guidance and Support to Create a Harmonious and Healthy Lifestyle!

1-on-1 Guidance & Support

Personalized deep dives to navigate any challenge to gain clarity, motivation, and a sense of purpose.

Why Later?...Get Help Today
Online Roadmaps

Make a conscious choice to gain control over how you feel & how you prioritize your time and energy.

Don't Wait...Take Control
Radio Show


Weekly inspiration to access your highest potential.


How to Be a Human

Life is a roller coaster! A radio show to discover walked, talked, and lived methodologies to establish a baseline of peace in your life.


Hear Our Clients Feedback!!!



All you need is one session with Tatiana and you will know why she was awarded "1 of 10 Most Inspiring Women of 2022"!  


- Dr Mohammed



"Tatiana is a compassionate listener and interacts with audiences and clients in magical way that makes them feel seen and heard. "


- Tina Covington



"I'm a tough judge! I've been to a lot of courses and had a lot of therapists. Tatiana's advice is well grounded in truth, pragmatic, and truly helpful, rather than just telling people what they want to hear. Awesome course!"


- James Muers



"Tatiana Miller is an excellent training. Her delivery is perfect and she engages the attendees. You can tell she loves what she does because she is very passionate when speaking."




"Tatiana was a great presenter, and provided information in a very easy to understand manner and useful for personal development."




"Tatiana Miller delivered important and slightly nuanced content at a brisk yet inrushes pace.  She kept interest while easily soliciting and responding to comments and questions from the audience."




"Tatiana Miller - she was really good and engaged the team the whole time.Wished this training was longer as it is sure beneficial based on how busy we are in the company."





"Tatiana Miller shared very useful information about mental health, but what I mostly love is that she was authentically compassionate and made me feel comfortable in sharing comments and asking questions.  She is truly a professional on this field."





"Tatiana Miller was informative, had great content, engaging and great to listen to. Information provided will definitely be applied in situations that seem to come up more frequently these days. Super valuable. Very appreciative!"





"Tatiana Miller did an amazing job facilitating the training and engaging with the audience. The material covered was extremely useful and needed. Thanks so much."




"Fantastic session. Learned a lot and recognized a lot of myself and my habits. Looking forward to taking better care and control of my life. Tatiana Miller was awesome. I will source out the Podcast!"





"Tatiana Miller was amazing.  She delivered a real session, as a real human being, which is rare in this era of superficial talking heads.  Tatiana brought real world examples which demonstrated her familiarity with workplace burnout.  Her medical / Healthcare background added to her subject matter expertise in the space.  I really enjoyed this session, and will be subscribing to her Youtube channel."