We welcome the reader to explore the world of emotions through the eyes of Becky, a young girl who leans on the familiarity of her bubble gum bubbles to give her constant comfort. Becky journeys through the emotions of mad, worry (anxiety), fear, sad, and happy (joy). She learns how to be still and identify her feelings by listening to what is happening in her body and then chooses to be happy. She is introduced to an easy-to-remember acronym, B.L.O.W. (B: Be Still; L: Listen and Let Go; O: Optimistic; W: Wise Ways) that reminds her what to do the next time she finds herself caught up in a whirlwind of emotions. Becky embraces the gift of self-empowerment to master the ability to self-regulate her emotions by having a positive mindset and using the magic of her own breath. With a little humor and love from her friends, she discovers the guiding light in her heart through courage and trusting others. Becky learns she can create her own safe space, anytime, anywhere.